Personal Loan

About Personal Loan

A personal loan can only get you rid of your sudden financial crisis. Normally You do not need to clarify the purpose or use of the loan amount to the bank you are applying for the loan and you do not need a guarantor or security to obtain a personal loan. Your monthly income is very much enough to get you a personal loan with the best repayment option and lowest interest rate.


  • 1 pan card
  • ID proof Passport/voter ID/ Aadhar or drivers licence
  • Residence Proof Passport/ Landline bill/ post paid mobile bill/ rental agreement or Bank Statement
  • Age Proof Passport/ drivers licence/school certificate or Pan Card copy
  • Income Proof – Latest 3 months salary slips
  • Banking Statement – 6 months bank statements
  • Job Stability & Continuity Offer Letter, Relieving Letter and Form 16
  • One photograph


  • Age of the applicant should be between 21-60 Years
  • Salaried individual with minimum income of Rs 15,000. Salary bracket would again depend on the city you live in and the company you work for. Eg. If you are in a Metro the salary requirement will be higher than non-metro and again if you are working in a top MNC the salary requirement would be lesser than one working with a startup.
  • Should be staying in the city for at least 3 month
  • Total work experience should be at least 6 month
  • You would require basic documentation such as your address proof, identity proof, latest bank statements etc